Anchor Verses: John 10:27, Romans 8:14, Acts 13:2

Introduction: The Why – Scripture as the Space Where the Spirit Speaks

  • “Hearing” from the Holy Spirit must begin with knowing scripture
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…”
  • John 14:26: “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
  • Application: Every believer—new or mature—must approach the Bible expecting to hear from God. Our secret place is where the Spirit comes alive through God’s Word, transforming us from within.

The Basics: How to Read Scripture

  • Read with Dependence on the Holy Spirit
    • 1 Corinthians 2:12-14:
      • The Spirit enables us to understand God’s wisdom.
    • Always begin your reading time by praying, “Holy Spirit, help me understand and apply this.”
  • Read with Context
  • Example: Jeremiah 29:11
    • Often quoted out of context; learn to ask: Who wrote this? To whom? What were the circumstances?
    • Consider: How does this passage ultimately point us to Jesus?
  • Read with Application
  • James 1:22: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”
  • The SOAP Method:
    1. Scripture: Read a passage.
    2. Observation: Note what it says.
    3. Application: Determine how it applies to your life.
    4. Prayer: Ask God to help you live it out.

Challenge for Seasoned Believers: Deepening Your Engagement

  • Read with a Desire for Transformation, Not Just Information
    • Psalm 119:11:
      • Hide God’s Word in your heart; ask, “How is the Holy Spirit using this passage to convict, encourage, or challenge me?”
  • Read in Light of the Whole Story of Redemption
    • Luke 24:27:
      • Understand that all Scripture points to Jesus.
      • Challenge yourself to see God’s grand narrative that spans from Genesis to Revelation.
  • Read with a Mindset of Teaching Others
    • Hebrews 5:12-14:
      • Mature believers should be able to teach and disciple new believers.
      • Application: Mentor someone by walking them through Scripture.

How Do We Hear from the Holy Spirit?

  • Scripture as the Primary Venue for Divine Revelation
    • The Holy Spirit speaks predominantly through God’s Word.
    • When we approach Scripture in our secret place—quiet, prayerful moments—we create a space where the Spirit can reveal truth, convict our hearts, and guide our decisions.
  • Practical Discernment
    • 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 (NLT): “Do not stifle the Spirit… test everything and hold on to what is good.”
      • Ask these three questions when discerning guidance:
        • Does this glorify Jesus?
        • Is this in agreement with God’s Word?
        • Is this consistent with God’s character?
  • Understanding Inner Transformation
    • Rather than expecting dramatic signs, look for the subtle, life-changing work of the Spirit—as evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
    • Reference Dallas Willard’s teaching: if you have never sensed God speaking to you, consider what you might be doing that limits His presence in your life.

Fruit Over Frenzy: The Mark of a Spirit-Filled Life

  • Internal Transformation:
    • A Spirit-filled life is marked by qualities like love, joy, peace, patience, and self-control.
    • These traits reflect a deep, ongoing change that influences how believers live and interact.
  • Practical Implication:
    • Focus on cultivating these fruits as the evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work, rather than seeking sensational manifestations.

Call to Action: Practical Next Steps

  • For New Believers:
    • Start with the Gospel of John.
    • Pray before reading and ask questions.
    • Utilize the SOAP method to engage with Scripture.
  • For Mature Believers:
    • Challenge yourself with a deeper study—memorize Scripture, study a book in depth, or mentor a new believer.
    • Embrace a lifestyle where you continually seek to hear from God, allowing the convergence of Scripture, community, and personal reflection to guide your decisions.
  • Final Encouragement:
    • As John 10:27-28 reminds us, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish…”
    • Let us commit to hearing, teaching, and guiding one another—so that our lives may be transformed by the Holy Spirit and our ministry may bear lasting fruit.

Sermon Questions

  • Secret Place Reflection: How intentional are you in creating a quiet, personal space where you can engage with Scripture and truly hear God’s voice? What adjustments might you make to deepen this encounter?
  • Discernment Challenge: When you sense guidance in your life, how do you test and verify that it truly comes from the Holy Spirit? Consider using the criteria from 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21—does it glorify Jesus, align with Scripture, and reflect God’s character?
  • Fruitful Transformation: Reflect on the ways the Holy Spirit has transformed your character through the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, etc.). In what practical ways can you cultivate these qualities daily, and how might you mentor others to experience the same transformation?

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