Anchor Verses

  • Exodus 3:19, Exodus 7:14, Exodus 13:15, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

Introduction –Not again, Lord!

  • Moses has flashbacks
    • Doubt creeps in
    • God’s response: “Buckle up!”
  • “Pharoah hardened his heart…”
    • Most English translations use the word “hardened”; a few use “became stubborn.”
    • Hebrew is חָזָק (chazak), meaning to be made strong
      • Psalm 27:14 ESV
        Wait for the Lord;
        be strong, and let your heart take courage;
        wait for the Lord!

Analysis – As Sun Hardens Clay

  • Wax v. Clay
  • Allowing our free will
    • If you can’t be obedient in the little, you’ll miss out on the bigger things
  • The overall meaning is a spirit of resistance
    • Wanting justice/revenge
      • Romans 12:19 ESV
    • Resisting our flesh so we don’t ruin our witness

Application – Be Quick to Obey, and you’ll be OK

  • That can be scary, but that is the God we serve
    • The one who takes our hand each morning and says, “Let’s go!”
  • In the midst of trying circumstances, He sees your suffering and says, “I see you! He is working even when you can’t see! He is saying, “Take heart! I will turn your suffering into joy, your heartache into praise, your fear into faith, and there is nothing that can stop me.
  • Now go! 
    • Mark 11:22 – 20 NLT
      • “Have faith” is not a one-time command
      • second-person plural present active indicative/imperative

Sermon Questions


  • Reflecting on Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart: Pharaoh’s heart repeatedly hardened despite witnessing God’s power through the plagues. In what ways might we sometimes resist God’s guidance in our lives? How can we cultivate a spirit of openness and humility to respond to Him more faithfully?
  • The Analogy of the Sun Hardening Clay: The sermon compares the sun hardening clay to how our responses to God’s truth can either harden or soften our hearts. What areas do you feel God is calling you to be more obedient in your life? How can you ensure your heart remains tender to His will?
  • Quick Obedience in Faith: The takeaway encourages us to “be quick to obey, and you’ll be OK.” How does immediate obedience to God’s direction build trust in Him? Share a time when obeying God—despite challenges—brought peace or clarity to your situation. How can this encourage you in future decisions?


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