Job 31-34 Father, We need Your wisdom as we face life. Help us to seek You in all that we do and everywhere our eye looks. We need you to lead us...
Job 25-30 Father, We pray for everyone who is struggling today and for everyone who faces circumstances they don’t understand. Please give them...
Job 21-24 Dear God, Job seems so confident in his righteousness. How is it that he finds such strength in his character and integrity? Even as his...
Job 17-20 Dear God, Don’t let me fall into deep desperation like Job. Hold me tightly and keep your hand over me. Do not let this hole sink me to...
Job 13-16 Lord, Thank you for Job and David. Thank you for their honesty in the midst of their suffering. Thank you that you are not afraid of...
Job 9-12 Lord, Few other characters are remembered for their suffering other than Job. He is remembered for the loss he experienced and his...
Esther 6-10 Lord, We come to you today in prayer, grateful for your faithfulness and your love. We are reminded of your faithfulness in the story of...
Esther 1-5 Dear God, We come to you today in prayer, asking for your guidance and protection. We are reminded of the story of Esther, a young Jewish...
Nehemiah 11-13 Lord, You are a God of details and individuals. You knew who each person was in the city, in the tribes, and in Your service. I praise You...