Father, when reading through these chapters, I am reminded of the sin and rebellion in my own life. In the same way you spoke through Jeremiah to the Israelites, I hear you calling me to listen and pay attention to your warnings. I thank you that, even in our moments of rebellion, your desire is to have a relationship with us. You constantly warned Israel of their impending judgment, not because you wished to see disaster come upon them, but because you desperately wanted them to turn from their evil ways and return to covenant relationship with you. Exodus 34:6 reminds us that you are a “compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” This means that wrath is never the first inclination of your heart. You are a God of justice, and you will respond to wickedness, but your grace extends far beyond what we can imagine. We thank you that your compassion and grace is most visible in the sacrifice of Jesus. You sent Him as a spotless lamb that would be the substitution for our sins and satisfy the eternal debt we owed to God. We worship you, Jesus, because you were willing to go through the brutality of crucifixion so that we would not have to face the judgment we deserved. You have set us free in order that we might worship and be in covenant relationship with you. We thank you, Holy Spirit, that you give us the power and conviction to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. May we never become numb to where you are leading us. Amen.