
How often have I misheard your commands? How often have I refused to listen clearly? How often have I heard and not listened?

Lord, I know I have been like Saul far too often. Far too often I have heard and been too fearful to listen. I have allowed the expectations of others to construe my trust in your word. Too often I have refused to trust you because it stretched my understanding and trust in you. Too often I have refused to hear clearly because I thought I knew it better.

Thank you, Father, that you have not given up on me. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my pleas for forgiveness. May my trust in you grow with each passing moment. Refine me through fire, Father, that I may grieve you no longer. Bring me closer to trusting you. Bring my heart away from those things that would cause doubt and distraction. 

Challenge your church, Father, to grow in trust of your word. Help us to trust you more that we may be a guiding beacon to your people; that we may challenge others to let go of their pride and abandon their fear. Bring us into your presence, Lord that we may trust more fully.

In Jesus Name, 
