Dear God, 

Please help us and guide us to take responsibility for our actions. Help us become more holy and humble in your presence. May we bring restitution for the wrongs we have caused, and bring our bitterness and jealousy to you. May we open our hearts so that you work in us. Let no area of our lives be unavailable to you. Clean them and purify them. No stain will remain and no rock will be left unturned. We consecrate ourselves to you, we dedicate ourselves to you. We commit to working on ourselves to reflect our identity as children of the Lord. We will confess our sins to you and we will repent for any wrongdoing. I no longer live but you live in me. I want more of you and less of me. Holy Spirit, please empower me to live a life free of sin. Help me resist the enemy and temptation so that I can be sanctified through you Jesus. I want to put you first in everything, and I want to receive your spiritual blessings.

 In Jesus’ name, Amen.