

Unfortunately, especially in charismatic circles, the emphasis on God’s ability to heal is placed on our level of faith. The more I explore the miracles of Jesus, the more wrong I’m convinced my dear brothers and sisters are. John 5 gives us a perfect example. Jesus is standing over a man who has been sick for 38 years. When He asked Him if He’d like to get well the man replied, “I can’t, sir.” His reasoning was not being able to beat the crowds to the pool that held the healing powers. Not being one to adhere to the cultural norms, Jesus defies the standards of the day, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk.” In the face of his disbelief, Jesus heals Him. 

There’s no doubt we’re called to have faith, but at the end of the day healing is by God’s grace whether or not we have “enough faith.” Jesus healed those with faith, without faith, and with confessed disbelief (Mark 9:24). 

Canaan and I were watching a show one time when I pulled up an app on my phone that controlled the TV. I said, “Canaan, watch this!” Then in a loud, commanding voice, I declared, “GOD, STOP THE SHOW!” Then I secretly pressed pause on the app. Canaan was freaked out. He said, “Dad, God does what you say!” After playing the trick a few more times, Canaan was fully convinced I had God on command. Then he said, “Dad, ask God for a Lambo.” My powers quickly faded. 

Some treat healing the same way – speak it enough times, ask for it with enough confidence, declare it with enough boldness, and God will do what you say. 

That sounds great – and it’s made some a lot of money in print, but it’s still a far cry from multiple gospel accounts. The truth is God needs nothing from us, and yet He chooses to graciously do the miraculous among us. The next time you’re believing in God for healing and start putting pressure on yourself to “perform,” remember this man’s conversation with Jesus right before his healing… “I can’t, sir.” 

That’s correct. But HE can.



At the end of the day, our most satisfying life is when God is most glorified. How can you glorify Him today?


Healing comes by confession. Ask God to meet you through the confessions of your heart and heal you. What do you need to confess to Him?


Our God is unshakable! Commit your day to Him in reverence and awe!


God, You work in mysterious ways! You don’t look to the strongest or most famous to inherit the Kingdom! I believe You’ve called me to Your cause even if I don’t see the “action” all the time. Thank You for showing me that I can have impact even in the simplest ways.  In Jesus Name, Amen.