

Sometimes I fall into some serious rabbit holes on Youtube. For some reason, I recently found myself engulfed in the topic of lies. Not just by definition, but the art of dissecting human interaction to determine if someone is lying to you. Apparently, although I’ve never successfully tested it myself, there are a handful of red flags to look out for if you’re suspicious of a liar! From recognizing shifty eye contact, inappropriate laughter, or fidgeting fingers, anyone can sniff out a liar with a little training. 

I don’t know how much science there is in the research I’ve seen on Youtube videos, but I do know, I don’t want to be lied to! So here’s the number one red flag we should all be looking out for! The greatest factor about successful lying is really sneaky. Instead of telling an outright fib, liars will tell you the “almost” truth. This prevents you from picking up on those subtle, red flags and gives them a better chance of being believed. 

The Devil’s been lying longer than any human and he has worked hard to perfect the craft. He knows how to take the truth and twist it without being caught. He twists our sense of identity in Christ, he exaggerates his own power, and he even takes scripture out of context to manipulate what God intended. He’s good at the game, thankfully Jesus shows us how to win in Luke 4:4-13!

Luke tells us that each time the Devil plays a hand, Jesus counters with the truth of God’s word. Yes, Jesus is perfect but he offers us this example of temptation for our benefit! He doesn’t try to reason with the Devil by his own understanding, he doesn’t offer an opinion or a compromise, he straightens out the twisted lie with the scripture he holds onto. And we can do the same if we continue to equip ourselves by staying in God’s word! It is our finest weapon and our greatest defense against the father of lies.



Matthew 6:9-10, “This, then, is how you should pray:“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…”

In your own words, take a few moments and honor God. Reflect on the price He paid to have a relationship with you, and His love for you.


Matthew 6:11 Give us today our daily bread.

Picture God extending His hands towards you. What are you concerned about that needs to be placed in His hands? What is the “bread” you need from Him? Ask Him.


Matthew 6:12-13 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Imagine yourself entering a dark room, with a person in front of you, holding a flashlight, leading you. That’s what God does. As He leads you, tell Him how you desire to follow Him.


Father, help me to cling to your promises for they are the realest thing I have. They are true and everlasting. Do not allow me to give up your promises for simple earthly pleasures or moments of weakness. Keep me from the temptations of the enemy and may your Holy Spirit guide me in my walk each and everyday. In Jesus Name, Amen.