

Shortly after becoming serious about following Jesus while I was in high school, I remember being in a locker room situation where the conversation was inappropriate. My convictions began to rise, but so did my concern about being “cool.” My newfound Spirit was urging me to tell the guys I wasn’t OK with what was being discussed, but fear of being made fun of and losing friends kept me silent. I still remember the tension. 

Imagine being Joseph of Arimathea. He’s part of the high council (v.43) that just sentenced Jesus to death (v.1, 3-8). Yet Scripture tells us he was a follower of Jesus “waiting for the Kingdom of God to come.” (v.43) Asking for the body of Jesus was a risk (v.43) because it was a slap in the face to the crowd that called for Jesus’ death, the high council and governor’s office that sentenced him to death, and his own life for revealing his followership of Jesus. 

Yet he asked anyway. He was willing to risk it all for the sake of his deepest convictions. I needed this message in high school. How many of us need this message now? 

When you’re in the office breakroom, at happy hour, or the golf course when the conversations and actions get sideways will you take the risk or stay safe? 

Joseph took the risk, and his legacy is being the one to honor Jesus with a proper burial. When the tension is on, and convictions are being challenged, SAY IT! Honoring Jesus is always more important than honoring the crowd.



God is more concerned with your willingness to glorify Him than what you have to offer Him. Will you honor Him, now, with what you have? Take a moment and give Him your best praise in prayer.


God is ready to meet you in your time of need. Where do you need God’s grace?



Lord, thank you that we have the Holy Spirit residing within us. Thank you that Christ came to cleanse us so that even when we make a wrong turn, we are forgiven and redeemed. Father, help us to listen intently to the convictions and guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we stay on track with what you have planned for us. We love you and trust you. In Jesus Name, Amen