

Not me. I have caught myself more than a few times saying, “I would never do that.” Sometimes it’s dealing with people in work situations; sometimes it’s dealing with family situations. More than a few times I have been guilty of thinking (or saying) that I would never do whatever someone else was doing. Jesus tells the disciples that everyone will betray Him. Peter’s reply? Peter tells Jesus that everyone else might betray Jesus, but he won’t (Mark 14:29). Imagine telling Jesus that He might be the savior and all, but He clearly doesn’t know how loyal you are. Peter is not alone; I have judged people for their words and behavior more than a few times. I would never yell at a waiter or waitress. I would never make fun of someone. I would never lie to get out of helping someone move. I would never sin against the Lord. Well ok I would never sin against the Lord the way those other people did. Peter was earnest in his words. He wasn’t saying the others were not really followers of Christ. Perhaps Peter just believed that God meant everything to Him, and he couldn’t imagine betraying Jesus. Yet a situation was coming that was harder than he imagined. There is a humbling that occurs in us when we truly get the fact that we are just as capable of running away before God as Adam, Eve, Elijah, and the disciples were. Yes, God came looking for all of them. God will come looking for us, but He will also seek to save any who are lost. Yes, the person who commits horrible crimes. Yes, the person whose bitterness and anger hurts everyone around them. Yes, those who indulge in breaking whichever commandment you hold to be the most important. D.T Niles put it this way: “Evangelism is just one beggar telling another where to find bread.” We don’t make the bread—we need the bread and we should be telling others where we found our bread; if we forget that we need the bread or think we are in a place where we make our own bread, we have indulged too much in “not me.” It never means that we accept sin as being ok or just how we are, it’s more the attitude of understanding that we are all beggars.



Psalms 103:17 TPT

But Lord, your endless love stretches from one eternity to the other, unbroken and unrelenting toward those who fear you and those who bow facedown in awe before you. Your faithfulness to keep every gracious promise you’ve made passes from parents, to children, to grandchildren, and beyond.  

Thank you Lord for your love that has no end. You have been and always will be good to me!


Nehemiah 6:9 

But now, my God, strengthen my hands.  

Before taking another step in your situation, trying in your own strength, ask God for His strength to work through you.


Deuteronomy 20:4

For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.

We could choose to submit to our fears of the challenges ahead of us, Or we can choose to submit to the one who conquers all of our fears and not only that but grants us the victory that He won.