

I remember when we finally found the perfect babysitter for our precious daughter, Zion. Her name was Bailey, and she was the absolute best. She understood Z, loved Z and was such a blessing to our family. I also remember the day Bailey’s family moved. I was thinking to myself, “What on earth are we going to do now?” Then along came India. India might be one of the most life-giving people I’ve ever met. She was incredible with Zion. Then she retired. Panicking again, the Lord was faithful to send Alexa. Alexa was exactly what our baby girl needed and did such a wonderful job with Zion. Then COVID hit and Alexa moved. We flew into a frenzy again saying things like, “We’re never going to find someone as good as Alexa. What are we going to do? Why would God put us in this season?” Ridiculous, I know. 

Then we started rehearsing the past. “Remember Bailey, then India, followed by Alexa, there’s never been a time where God didn’t replace and restore what was lost.” A couple weeks later we found Anastasia… and the list goes on. 

Isn’t it crazy how quickly we can forget the faithfulness of God and start living from a place of hopeless despair when the track record of our entire lives declares His faithfulness?

In Matthew 16 Jesus is warning His disciples of the yeast of the Pharisees. They take it literally and start talking about how they don’t have any bread. Jesus responds, “You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread? Do you still not understand? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered? Or the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered?” 

He fed 5000 right in front of their faces with a couple loaves of bread, yet they’re doubting Him? He’s provided the perfect person for our daughter three different times, but we’re doubting Him now? 

Look back on your life and see the faithfulness of God. When lies from the enemy begin to creep in, remember what God has already done. Don’t forget! He’s always been faithful.



God is more concerned with your willingness to glorify Him than what you have to offer Him. Will you honor Him, now, with what you have? Take a moment and give Him your best praise in prayer.


God is ready to meet you in your time of need. Where do you need God’s grace?



Father, help me to cling to your promises for they are the realest thing I have. They are true and everlasting. Do not allow me to give up your promises for simple earthly pleasures or moments of weakness. Keep me from the temptations of the enemy and may your Holy Spirit guide me in my walk each and everyday.  In Jesus Name, Amen.