

A friend of mine used to pride himself on taking “no rest days.” He was built like the type of meathead that would make such a claim. “Build the chest, forget the rest.” Or the classic, “Never skip leg day” could regularly be read on his Instagram posts featuring him lifting ridiculously heavy weights. Then, it finally happened. He took a rest day. Actually, he didn’t take one, his body forced him to take one. After months of constant strain on his body, his pectoral finally had enough, tearing from his bicep across his chest. After 6 months of rehab, he was finally back to his full workout routine with one exception: rest days. He’s in better shape now than he ever was taking no rest days. 

Rest is not needed, it’s commanded in Scripture. In Matthew 12 Jesus begins what will become two chapters of great parables unlocking the keys to the Kingdom, but before He introduces the calling to sow seeds, serve people, and have audacious faith, He gives us a clear message: For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. 

Jesus arrives at this declaration after some Pharisees began condemning Jesus for feeding His disciples on the Sabbath. Prior to Christ the Sabbath was a highly liturgical, rule-filled, restriction-based day where even the slightest misstep would be considered rebellion against God. Their rest was based on their rules, not the Ruler. 

Jesus redefines the Sabbath by saying it’s not a list of rules, “No golf, only takeout, and clean your room.” The new temple is one of rest in the presence, rule, and reign of Jesus. He’s the Lord of the Sabbath. This means if your rest doesn’t involve Him you’re not resting. 

How does resting in the Lord play into your weekly rhythm? I’m not talking about daily presence, but a day dedicated to resting solely in the Lord. Do you delete social media apps for that day, have an extended prayer time, and share your faith? You know what works for you, the most important thing is making sure you’re resting in the right place. Rest in the Lord today!



And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest. 

Exodus 33:14

The distinguishing mark for us as God’s chosen people, is that His presence is with us. Consider the impact that the creator of the universe is our companion.


Give us today our daily bread.

Matthew 6:11

Picture God extending His hands towards you. What are you concerned about that needs to be placed in His hands? What is the “bread” you need from Him? Ask