

When I was a kid, swimming on  Sunday was forbidden.  My elders counted Sabbath bathing as sinful, no matter that we attended church Sunday morning and again Sunday night.  And I’m not really sure what the older generation’s purpose was for that rule, because there were no limitations or restrictions on other outdoor play, like baseball or football. We could run around the yard and sweat all afternoon long, as long as we didn’t swim!

As I aged, I realized how inconsistent that rule was, and also that such a rule was an example of legalism.  Our readings in the Gospels remind us that legalism was the religious order of Jesus’ day.  In fact, we see plainly that Jesus’ religious contemporaries used legalism with corrupt intent to send him to the Cross.  

If legalism contributed to the Cross, we must wonder why Christians of every era since have struggled with its allure.  Regrettably, legalism appeals to human nature because of its convenience.  The problem is that rules are the same as the imperfect law that failed the Old Testament Jews.  We see that man’s condition in the Old Testament did not improve by trying to follow the law!  First of all, no one was good enough to follow all of the rules all of the time; and second, a man could follow rules religiously and still lose his soul.

So we begin by recognizing that legalism is a dangerous impulse that we must resist, because obeying rules serves only pride.  If I can follow all the rules, I can say, “Look what I’ve done!”   So we must recognize that legalistic conduct produces not righteousness, but sin.  I like C. S. Lewis’ warning against legalism in his book Mere Christianity: “One of the marks of a certain type of bad man is that he cannot give up anything himself without wanting every one else to give it up. That is not the Christian way.”

What is the Christian way?  Here’s Paul, writing in Ephesians 2: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”  The Christian way depends on God.  It glorifies God.  To that end  were we created!



I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be a permanent covenant with them. I will establish and multiply them and will set my sanctuary among them forever. My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people.

Ezekiel 37:26-27

What an honor it is that we are permanently at peace with God and that He has chosen us as His people and His dwelling place.


Give us today our daily bread.

Matthew 6:11

Picture God extending His hands towards you.

What are you concerned about that needs to be placed in His hands? What is the “bread” you need from Him? Ask Him.


And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Matthew 6:12-13

Imagine yourself entering a dark room, with a person in front of you, holding a flashlight, leading you. That’s what God does. As He leads you, tell Him how you desire to follow Him.


God, thank You for speaking to me! I will trust what You ask me to do, even when I don’t understand the reasons why. I don’t always need the answers, I just need You.  In Jesus Name, Amen.