

Reading of the apostles’ courage in the early chapters of Acts is motivating.  We see that following Christ sometimes requires a courageous stand.  I remember such a stand in my family’s lore associated with my late Papaw’s antique Winchester Model 10 shotgun. That gun fell to me as an heirloom about 40 years ago. But the story behind the gun suggests that it’s more than an heirloom, because that shotgun touches a legacy of faith. Here’s the story, as my grandfather related the account to my father, and he in turn to me.

In my grandparents’ early years of marriage, around 1910, MaMaw left her family’s traditional church (she was Spanish) after she was saved in an evangelical church. While she was on fire with excitement over her newfound faith, her family was greatly troubled, because in their minds, the only reason Aurelia (my MaMaw) would leave the ancestral church would be for mental instability.

My grandmother’s family was so certain that Aurelia was loco en la cabeza (crazy) that they sent her brothers to my grandfather’s house to take Aurelia away to a mental asylum for care. But my grandfather, protector of his wife and her commitment to Jesus, met his determined in-laws on the front steps with the shotgun to “convince” them that Aurelia wasn’t crazy.  They were thus turned away.

Evidently, my grandfather’s defense worked, for the rest of my MaMaw’s story shows a consistent, devoted, life-long commitment to her faith. She was a church servant and a prayer warrior all of her days.  My own faith legacy is unquestionably connected to her convictions, once courageously tested at the end of a 30 inch full-choke, 12 gauge shotgun barrel. 

Several years ago, I passed PaPaw’s antique gun down to my son Zach. We tested it in the field and proved that it’s an elegant relic that still shoots true. But even more, I hope that this antique shotgun will serve to remind future generations of Mamaw’s and Papaw’s descendants of two things: (1) we must never take the commitment to our faith lightly; and (2) our parents’ and grandparents’ faith passed down to us is their finest legacy—heaven forbid that our generation would allow that legacy to perish!



Exodus 33:14

And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” 

 The distinguishing mark for us as God’s chosen people, is that His presence is with us. Consider the impact that the creator of the universe is our companion.



Our God is supreme. Nothing compares to Him. Submit your heart to Him today, and declare your allegiance to Him!


Praise God I am not desperately trying to measure up to an impossible state of perfection. Instead, I am surrendered to You Lord, and am covered by Your grace. Lord, don’t stop reminding me of the blessing of your sacrifice. I am thankful for the access I have to Your presence each and every moment no matter the state of my “cleanliness.”  In Jesus Name, Amen.