Anchor Verses

  • Exodus 11:4-8


  • Previous plagues did not cause death, but the final one would be different

Passover: Pointing to Jesus

  • Hebrew not sinless
    • Ezekiel 20:7-9
  • Spotless Lamb
    • 1 Peter 1:18-20
    • The holiness of the people was not inspected – the holiness and perfection of the sacrifice was examined
  • Blood of the firstborn
    • Exodus 13:11-15
  • Without broken bones
    • Exodus12:46
    • John 19:32-33
  • Blood on the doorposts
    • John 10:9
  • Purify me with hyssop 
    • Psalm 51:7; Psalm 51:16-17
  • The door vs. the veil
    • John 10:9-10
    • Matthew 27:51-52
    • The blood of the Passover lamb protected the door, but the blood of Jesus opened the door (the veil) for the people to enter into the presence of God
  • Passover meal & last supper
    • Luke 22:19-20
      • Bread without yeast
        • Deuteronomy 16:3
          • Bread of affliction – Jesus says, this is my body broken for you
          • We cannot acknowledge Jesus mentally: “Oh, yeah, that sounds good.” No! We must allow Him to enter our lives as we consume food. When we consume food, it literally becomes a part of us. It enters our bloodstream, we consume the nutrients, and it changes our physiology. Jesus is asking us to do the same with Him.
  • How the lamb is cooked – roasted over fire
    • Entire animal offered
    • Fire represents the judgment of God
      • Isaiah 66:15-16
      • Psalm 89:46
  • Eaten with bitter herbs
    • Reminder of the bitter life in Egypt
    • The suffering of Christ, though he was sinless
    • Philippians 1:29-30
      • We are to expect to suffer as Christ suffered
  • Eaten in haste
    • Romans 8:18-19
    • We are not to dwell comfortably in this world – we are made to dwell with God, and we are pilgrims in this land, but we are ultimately looking towards the coming of the Lord and the dwelling place of heaven
  • None of it shall remain until morning
    • Jesus did not remain on the cross because the next day was the Sabbath, so he was buried immediately
  • The Passover was the final plague
    • Jesus’ death and resurrection is the ultimate sacrifice
  • Freedom from slavery – the slavery of sin
    • John 8:31-36

But Bless Me as You Go

  • Exodus 12:31-32 
    • In the face of God’s power, the destruction of his kingdom, and the death of his son, Pharoah does what? Asks for God to bless him. 
      • Pharoah recognizes God’s power, but rather than repent and submit to it, he solely wishes to benefit from it
    • Examples of those in the Bible who recognize God’s power yet refuse to submit to it:
      • Pharisees, demons, the rich young ruler, and Pilate

Crossing the Red Sea

  • Exodus 14:10-12
  • The Hebrews, similar to Pharoah, have recognized the power of God – they just witnessed the plagues of Egypt, yet still refuse to submit to it
    • They are faced with a difficult choice
  • Exodus 14:13-18
  • Like Moses at the Red Sea, God often puts His people in impossible situations to build their faith, showing that only He can rescue them. From humanity’s exile in Eden to the cross, the Bible reveals God’s unwavering promise to restore His people and provide hope in the face of the impossible. God’s plan is perfect, His sacrifice is enough, and His rescue is certain.

Sermon Questions


  • Pharaoh’s Response to God’s Power. In Exodus 12:31-32, Pharaoh acknowledges God’s power but seeks only a blessing without repentance. Reflect on areas in your life where you may acknowledge God’s power but resist submitting fully to Him. What steps can you take to move from seeking benefits to true surrender?
  • The Perfect Sacrifice. The Passover highlights that the holiness of the sacrifice, not the people, was what mattered. How does the perfection of Jesus, our spotless Lamb, change how you approach God in moments of failure or sin? How does it inspire gratitude and confidence in your faith journey?
  • Faith in Impossible Circumstances. The Hebrews faced impossible odds at the Red Sea and were called to trust God entirely for deliverance. Reflect on a time when you faced a seemingly impossible situation. How did God grow your faith through it? How can you continue to trust Him as you walk through your “wilderness”?


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