Dearest Father in heaven, may we never grow desensitized as we read over and over the gospel account of your most sorrowful passion on Calvary.  Impress on our senses the horror and violence of that dark, bloody day.  Help us to empathize so that we feel at least an imaginary measure of the agony and suffering that the executioners inflicted on you in those hours of torture.  Then, Father, fill our hearts with gratitude and appreciation overflowing as you teach us to understand more fully that your passion was our passion deserved, the passion from which you spared us by your  holy sacrifice.  So we thank you for the Cross!  And even more we thank you that your death was not the end, that your resurrection and victory over death provided the means of our resurrection and victory over death, giving us the eternal hope and joy of heaven.  May we lift holy hands of praise unceasing for so great a salvation!  Amen.