Jesus, we acknowledge that you are the branch that is spoken of in Zechariah 6. You are the promised king who also functioned as the High Priest for your people. You presented yourself as a sacrifice to God for the sake of our sins and were raised to life in power and sit at the right hand of God until all your enemies are made a footstool. We ask that we would emulate the values of your kingdom. You do not delight in mere ritual or tradition, but in mercy, compassion, and justice. Your kingdom is not represented in a list of commandments, but in a set of values and heart postures that truly express the image of God that humanity was originally created to embody. We thank you that, as THE image of God, you fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law on our behalf. Although we are living in a portion of your kingdom now, we await its fulfillment that is seen in Zechariah 8 where “Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each of them with cane in hand because of their age. The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there.” We look forward with anticipation to this joy and life that awaits us. In the meantime though, may we be people that live out the values of your kingdom every day. In this way, allow us the opportunity to present a church prepared for the coming of its king. Amen.