Father, we ask you for contentment today. In the same way you asked the Israelites, through Jeremiah, to “seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile,” we want to be rooted and content with where you have currently placed us. We may not be in this location or in this job as a result of our sins, but, wherever we are, we know that it is intentional because of your sovereignty. This means that you have called us to live out the values of the kingdom, to pursue you with our whole hearts, and to minister to the people around us, regardless of our desire to be placed where we are. With that, I pray that you would fill us with compassion for the cities you have us in. Allow us to see the needs of the people around us and give us the wisdom and courage to contribute in the best way that we can. Keep us from seeing our current circumstance as a stepping stone for the next season of our lives. You have placed us here for the purposes of making disciples and displaying the kingdom of God to everyone we come into contact with. Give us hearts that love and see the people of our cities the same way that you do. Amen.