
How great are your promises? How vast is your wealth? 

Lord, at times it is difficult to believe the promises you make to us. As I read of the promises you made to the Israelites, I am in awe. I am in awe because of the incredibly wonderful things you promise, but also because you are honest – you do not lie!

How many times have I had someone break a promise to me? Or, more so, how often have I broken a promise? Our words seep from our mouth like ooze. We say many things, but many of them will never come to pass. Not so with you, Lord!

Whatever you say is set in stone! Whatever you promise will come to pass like the day overtaking the night! Your word will not be void!

Even moreso: you promise us things we do not deserve. You promised the Israelites things they did not deserve.

Praise you holy word! Praise your permanent promise!
