We come to you today, Father, asking that you would open our eyes to the idolatry that exists in our hearts. Expose the pride that lingers just below the surface. We do not want to be like the Israelites and ignore your call to repentance. Holy Spirit, I invite you in and give you complete dominion over my mind and body. I pray that you would remove fleshly desires so that I look more like Jesus in every way. Shape and mold me into the image of the Son. Protect me from letting other voices guide my life. Just like the false prophets in these chapters, it is easy to fall victim to the schemes of the enemy. I pray for discernment and wisdom to only follow your voice. Thank you, Jesus, for the grace, love, and mercy that is available to us because of your sacrifice. We no longer have to fear judgment or death, but get to live with hope, knowing that you are sanctifying us daily. We can’t wait for the day we see you face to face, and all is made new. Amen.