Almighty God,
You are the source of all love, and you have shown us your love in the Song of Solomon. In this beautiful book, you teach us about the passionate love between a man and a woman, and you show us how this love can be a reflection of your love for us.
We pray that you would help us to experience your love in our own lives. We pray that we would be drawn to you with the same passion and desire that the couple in the Song of Solomon were drawn to each other.
We also pray that you would help us to love others with the same love that you have for us. We pray that we would be kind and compassionate, patient and understanding, and forgiving and merciful. We pray that we would show your love to our spouses, our children, our friends, and all of those around us.
Thank you for your love, Lord. We praise you for your great mercy and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.