Father, we are so grateful that we are living in the time prophesied by Isaiah in which the Holy Spirit has been poured out onto all nations! Let us not take for granted the amazing privilege we have to walk in your presence everywhere we go. Turn our hearts away from worthless idols and stir our affections towards you, the only one worthy of worship and praise. 

Jesus, we give honor and glory to you because this new covenant we walk in was purchased by your blood. You did not lay your life down begrudgingly, but willingly gave it up for the joy of being in relationship with humanity. Confront us with the reality of our own selfishness and our desires to be our own God. Remind us that this path is empty and lifeless. Lead us into your love and mercy that is open and available through faith in you and your sacrifice. 

Holy Spirit, purify our hearts and sanctify us as we walk through our week. As we battle with our flesh daily, give us the strength and the guidance to choose holiness and relationship with you over our own desires. Reveal to us the idols we worship in our own lives everyday. Point us toward Jesus and remind us of all the things He taught. We surrender to you and make space for you, knowing that you have the power to transform us from the inside out and lead us into Christlikeness. We ask these things in the name of Jesus, amen.