Dear Lord,
Thank you for your continued presence in our lives. We come asking you to purify our hearts before you. Let us not just honor you with our lips but turn our hearts toward you. May our praise for you not just come from the words we speak, but also in our actions. Let our praise be honest and pure and come with action by the way that we live our lives. Guard our hearts against religion being the reason that we come to you and seek you. We know that to truly honor you we must not do so out of obligation or duty but in order to change our hearts forever. Let the words that we read penetrate to the deepest parts of our soul so that we are forever changed by it. May the words of our mouths and meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you. We love you and want to honor you in all we say and do. Keep our hearts pure before you as we seek to draw closer to you. We love you!
In Jesus name,