Father, I ask you to teach me humility. As I look out into the grandeur of your creation, remind me that I am simply a vapor that is here today and gone tomorrow. Allow me to learn from the experiences of King Solomon that the pursuits of the world, even the pursuit of knowledge itself, are meaningless apart from a relationship with you. Within this seeming meaningless, gift me with a deeper revelation of your love for me. Show me how you carefully crafted me in your image and how you care for me deeply, as a father does a child. Continually reveal to me that the only truly fulfilling and joyful life is one that is in consistent relationship with you. Gift me with wisdom to see that there is a proper time for everything. Help me to trust you when I want to take control over the direction of my life. I ask you for peace when my expectations are different then what you have for me. Lead me away from comparing myself to others and measuring success by the standards of the culture around me. Gift me with the peace of mind to enjoy the little things in life, recognizing that they come from you and that you are guiding me into a future that is good and glorifying to you. Help me to pursue you with my entire heart. Amen.