We come before you today in awe and wonder, just as the people of Israel did when they saw the ark of the covenant placed in the temple. We are humbled by your greatness and majesty, and we praise you for your love and faithfulness.
You are a God who keeps your promises. You promised David that his son would build a temple for you, and you have fulfilled that promise. You have also kept your covenant with the people of Israel, and you continue to do so today.
We thank you for your love and grace. We thank you for your mercy and forgiveness. We thank you for your provision and protection. We thank you for your peace and joy.
We pray that you will continue to bless your people. We pray that you will protect us from harm. We pray that you will guide us in our lives. We pray that you will give us wisdom and understanding.
We pray that you will use us to make a difference in the world. We pray that we will be your hands and feet, sharing your love and hope with others.
We pray all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen.