
As I read about the allotments of land I reflect on the rules, regulations, and boundaries we as humans try to create for ourselves. Laws that are passed with the best of intentions. Boundaries that are put in place to keep us safe. All from the strength of our own minds. No matter what laws, rules, and boundaries we create as humans, we always fall short. There are always exceptions to the rule; excuses made for why we don’t have to follow that particular rule. We, as a people, are hopelessly broken. We cannot hope to find perfect structure without You as our foundation, Father.

Praise you, Lord, that you have set boundaries in place that are perfect. They include everyone. That leaves no detail left uncovered. Thank you for Jesus because he is the ultimate embodiment of what boundaries we need in our lives. He is the rule. The rule of love. To set aside our selfish ambitions, fears, and pride and instead lean into the ultimate guiding love of Christ. 

Help us to let go of our pride in thinking we’ve got it figured out. Help us to let go of our allegiances to our political parties, our HOAs, or our social class. Instead, let us be loving. Let us be radically opposed to boundaries that oppress, deny, and subvert the people of God (who is everyone) and let us seek to love in our legislation, our rules, and in our boundaries. We cast our lots no more, Lord. For you are our allotment. 

In Jesus Name, 
