
Why do we constantly look for someone or something to take the Kingship only You deserve? The authority You were meant to hold in my life is thrown away to the highest bidder. Idolatry sneaks in and I hand Your crown over to something unable to carry the weight of my burdens and undeserving of my worship. 

Help me to de-throne the “kings” I’ve placed in my heart. Help me to constantly place You where You belong, at the center of my life. Help me to recognize when I’ve allowed idols to rule over me before it’s too late and I am left broken. You are so worthy, how do I still find myself seeking after another Kingdom? Father, I commit to seek Your Kingdom first in all things. After all, You are the only one worthy to rule over my life because You are the only one worthy to save it. Your sacrifice was perfect and I am grateful for a King who would give it all just to know me. 

I Jesus’ name,
