

The things I see around me are not random! You do not operate in chaos, but in the details and the organization of Your complex creation. Everything You’ve made has a thought-out system of operation, from the way the leaves grow to the way you call us to live in community with one another. Everything You’ve created has its boundaries; from the fish water to the way we must treat our neighbor. 


When we exist outside of what You call us to do, there is destruction. You’ve planned every detail, from how You’ve hung the stars in the sky to the way You’ve designed the chemistry of the air we breathe. Everything is intentional and made for Your glory! When we choose our own way based on our own understanding of Your creation, chaos ensues. We corrupt the plans You’ve made to benefit us and protect us from harm. Father, I commit my ways to Your will in all things. Whether I understand them or not, You hold the knowledge I can only imagine. You are King of my life, and Your ways are best. 


In Jesus’ name,
