Father—Please help us with our family situations. Help us when we have challenges with our family. Help us to see You in our family members but more so help them see You in us. Help us give over our worries, distance, disagreements, and hurts. Thank you for the family you have given us no matter the circumstances. Where we have been hurt or where we create hurt, please provide healing. Please help us to forgive where we need to forgive and help us to ask for forgiveness when we need to ask for it. Please help us to love as You love us. Please help us to persevere in love and faith as You do. Help us to be grateful and to be an example of You in our relationships. Thank You for being the perfect example to us. Where our family members might have fallen short or let us down, You are dependable. When we let our family down, You give us grace and forgiveness. We love you and thank you for being the perfect father who loves us. Amen