Dear God, 

I consecrate myself unto you. Make me holy and purify me. Make known to me every area of my life that needs to be pruned and give me the strength to. Let everything that I own be of service to you. Let me worship you with the excellence of my labor. Anoint me with oil and clean the deepest parts of my soul. I give myself to you fully. I hold no area in my life outside of your surrender. All of my idols I bow down to you and your sovereignty. I want to be pure Lord, yet you are the one who makes me white as snow. Let me become the temple for your worship. That my life be a living sacrifice, a holy temple. That everything I do brings you glory. Whatever you ask me to do, I will gladly do. Make it not just my life, but the people around me who are glorifying your name. I want to make your name known and be an agent of change for those around me. May everything I do give you and only your glory. 

In Jesus’s name, 
