

At times I struggle with doubts about my capabilities in the calling that the Lord has set before me. I tend to think that I am not doing enough, not doing good enough, or even not having the capability, skills, or personality to succeed. I know that these lies of the enemy enter my life through insecurities. I also understand that I am not the one who is supposed to fulfill this and that if it is the Lord’s will it will happen. My pride also gets in the way because I have the urge to be the best in everything that I do. It makes me compare myself to others and be extremely competitive in the things that I care about. There is no place for that in the Kingdom of God and I attempt to surrender it as there is more of Jesus and less of me. Sometimes I succeed, but other times I let my pride get the best of me. That’s not even mentioning how we take pride in our humility, but there is something about the passage that we read today that sticks out like a sore thumb. 

That is this disciple that Jesus loved, John. He is the one writing this down and he speaks of himself in these terms. From the beginning of John 20, it seems like John is competing with Simon to see who is better. They are running to the empty tomb and it is pointed out that this disciple that Jesus loved runs faster than Peter and he reached there first. Peter also seems to want to know if this so-called disciple that Jesus loved will die as well. What shocks me about this is that John defines himself and his identity in the function of someone else. He doesn’t describe himself or call himself by name, but rather by the love of God towards him. 

We live in a world where we’re constantly trying to learn more about ourselves through personality tests, counseling, and inner reflection, but nothing is going to tell you more about your identity than learning about the one who loves you. The one who created you. I want my identity and the way I view myself to be in function of who God is. I am a child of God and so are you, then why is it so much more common to see ourselves and identities in function of our jobs, titles, callings, and hobbies, than who our creator is? Despite knowing we were created in His image? If we want to know more about ourselves, undoubtedly, we must learn more about our God.



Take a moment and rejoice in the Lord to start your prayer time. Again… REJOICE!


What do you need to ask God today? What’s on your heart?


The Lord is ready to lead you. Commit your life to following Him!

God, lead me to a closer and more intimate relationship with you. You are my one true blessing. You have been with me through ups and downs. Don’t let me make it about something else. It’s about you, God. In Jesus Name, Amen.