

Just yesterday, Heze and I were sitting in the living room playing with some toys. One of those “toys” was a pencil bag one of my students tried to throw away. It was a cylindrical silicone pencil case that my student wanted to throw away because one of the pens inside of it busted covering the other pens, pencils, and markers with blue ink. I told him not to throw it away and that I would clean it.

Well, Heze saw it sitting on the counter and wanted to play with it. I figured he wouldn’t be able to open it anyway, so I figured, “Why not?” Famous parent mistake – it took him all of two minutes to figure out how to unzip the case then meticulously remorse each and every ink-covered pencil. As I noticed him doing this, I realized I was going to have to do something drastic – take it away. I squatted down next to him, began gathering the instruments back into the bag while explaining, “Buddy, I need to clean these first and then you can have them back.” Heze responded as appropriately as any two-year-old who doesn’t speak English would: he began screaming.So, as he exercised his little tantrum, I washed the pens, pencils, markers, and inside of the pencil case. Eventually, it was returned (empty) to his joy and delight. If only he knew what was coming, he wouldn’t have been so upset. 

Jesus is trying to express the same idea to the disciples: “Guys, I’ll be back and it’ll be great!” But that’s not what they wanted to hear. More so, they didn’t understand. I think just because we live on this side of Jesus’ resurrection that we believe we should be free of doubt and uncertainty. This makes it seem as though we, as simple men, can fully comprehend God. I think this is a prideful and arrogant point of view. I believe God reveals Himself as much as He knows we need and can handle. Who are we to question? I’ll do my best not to kick and scream while he prepares the way. I know what’s coming is greater.



I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be a permanent covenant with them. I will establish and multiply them and will set my sanctuary among them forever. My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people.

Ezekiel 37:26-27

What an honor it is that we are permanently at peace with God and that He has chosen us as His people and His dwelling place.


Give us today our daily bread.

Matthew 6:11

Picture God extending His hands towards you.

What are you concerned about that needs to be placed in His hands? What is the “bread” you need from Him? Ask Him.


And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Matthew 6:12-13

Imagine yourself entering a dark room, with a person in front of you, holding a flashlight, leading you. That’s what God does. As He leads you, tell Him how you desire to follow Him.


God, thank You for speaking to me! I will trust what You ask me to do, even when I don’t understand the reasons why. I don’t always need the answers, I just need You.  In Jesus Name, Amen.