

You know that feeling when you’re out with your significant other on a date? You hold hands, walk idling chatting about the various aspects of life, and wander into a romantic spot for a bite to eat. Then, just as you sit down the waiter asks, “Can I get anything for you and your spouse?” and they respond with, “Oh, that’s not my spouse. I don’t even know them. I’m just here for a free meal!” Of course you don’t because that is ridiculous! Yet, it’s the closest comparison to what I feel like Peter did to Jesus through his denial. Even worse, Jesus knew it was coming. Despite this, Peter became one of the greatest proclaimers of the gospels in history. Thank God for His forgiveness!

Bree and I are both dreamers, but in different ways. Bree is constantly dreaming. Her mind is a creativity centered that she lives in a world of creativity and expression. I often think about installing a retaining wall in our backyard. That isn’t to say I’m not creative. It’s just that Bree is a slow-burning candle and I’m a bottle rocket. When I’m into something, I am all in. I go head first often with little regard to cost, consequence, or injury. That’s when Bree brings me back to earth.

Peter expresses this unrelenting faith and servitude to Jesus only to have Jesus respond, “Seriously? You’re going to act like you don’t even know me in a few hours.” I think this illustrates a point that resonates with my personality: it’s not the first step, it’s the journey. A faith built on excitement for things here on earth misses the point. Seeking excitement and a “high” here on earth is like the seeds that were scattered, shot up quickly, but withered and died because there was no depth. God calls us to be people of the long haul. Not the long weekend. Our walk is a daily trek of highs and lows. Not a rocketship to the moon. Now, let us not snuff out our excitement for God. Let’s just make sure our roots do not wander into the shallow rocky depths of self-satisfaction. Instead, let us go deep into His will, His word, and His plans.



The Lord’s acts of mercy indeed do not end, For His compassions do not fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22‭-‬23 NASB

Thank you Lord that I wake up everyday with more than I deserve, let me honor you with all that you’ve given me


Everything you pray for with the fullness of faith you will receive!

Matthew 21:22 TPT

Faith moves everything in you into alignment to receive what you are believing for. Honor the Lord with the fullness of your faith.


Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things will be added to you.

Matthew 6:33

Lord I put your glory and priorities over mine and trust that you still provide all that I need each day.


Lord, life is complicated! But You guide me through everything and even when I miss the mark, You show me mercy and teach me something new. Thank You for Your forgiveness and that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus Name, Amen.