

In the early days of my internet surfing, I found a gig at a site called the pipeline; they would send free Christian music cd’s and such as long as I would give them my feedback. One time, I was asked if I would go to a concert and hand out free stuff to others. What I saw was very interesting. Some people wanted as many things as I could give them. Others refused as they were sure that there had to be some catch. Some took the free stuff, but it had little meaning to them as we would find the handouts on the ground. Some kept it and I have no idea if they even listened to the music, read the flier etc. What I thought was interesting was how their belief dictated how they acted. If they believed that the swag was worthless, they treated it as such. If they gave it any value or trust, they acted differently. It was not the amount of belief but the belief itself. In John 1:12, it says that to all who believed, He gave the right to be children of God 1:12. I struggle with belief sometimes, the amount needed especially. If I don’t believe enough, will that cost me my salvation? Will it cost me a blessing? There are times that my mind and my heart are not in agreement about this, that’s for sure. So, I grabbed a copy of the amplified Bible and saw that some of the options for the word believe were: trust in, rely on, adhere to. If I am trusting in HIM, doesn’t that mean I should never screw up? OR does it mean that when I sin, I need to ask the question—Am I counting on my lack of sinning to lead me to the Lord or am I counting on Jesus’s sacrifice? One depends on my outcome; one depends on His outcome. I have no doubt that I could believe better—just like the centurion who asked Jesus to help his unbelief, I need that, too. What am I trusting in? What do I rely on? What do I adhere to? We all need to rely upon Jesus instead of our morals, values, or ability to get things right if we want to be right with God.



At the end of the day, our most satisfying life is when God is most glorified. How can you glorify Him today?


Healing comes by confession. Ask God to meet you through the confessions of your heart and heal you. What do you need to confess to Him?


Our God is unshakable! Commit your day to Him in reverence and awe!