

If you live life long enough you’ll likely experience moments or instances where an event happens that ends up changing the course of your life forever. Maybe it’s an accident that prevents you from living the way you once did, or a cancer diagnosis that changes the way you live your remaining days on this planet. Either way, we can all point to various events that were turning points or altered our course of direction. 

Those moments or life events aren’t just mile markers on the journey. They serve a very special purpose in altering the course of our lives forever-none greater than our first encounter with Jesus! This should be the biggest milestone of our lives, literally altering future choices and decisions, changing the way we interact with our families, friends, and co-workers. 

Today Saul’s damascus road encounter should serve as a reminder of our own spiritual transformation. We once were blind, but now we see. We once were lost but now we are found. We have been redeemed and called to a much higher purpose. Sure, none of us will be able to say we helped establish the early church or write a good portion of the New Testament as Paul did, but God’s calling on our life is no less important. May we remember this and answer the call!



There is nothing too big for our God. Honor His greatness!



Submit to the Lord and do what He desires of you today!
Lord, you are gracious. You’ve given me life. You’ve redeemed my soul, and given me power through the Holy Spirit. Help me to live like you today. In Jesus Name, Amen.