

I believe as humans we love symbols. In some ways they are convenient. Like, a skull and crossbones shows us something dangerous. Exclamation marks give warning. The “hot now” sign in the Krispy Kreme window means happiness. All of these exist to communicate something greater in a simpler way. Yet, there is one symbol greater than all of these symbols. No, not the cross. Although, obviously the cross represents the most profound moment of our faith: Christ’s death. I believe there is another symbol that is greater: communion.

Christ, knowing he was on his way to die, took the time to sit with his disciples and eat. He knew that the symbolism behind sharing a meal together was significant, and furthermore, that the communion he was about to share would be a foundation for the new covenant between God and His people: No longer would God’s people need to approach the temple to be in His presence. No, now God would come to dwell within each of us – He would commun with us on a personal level.

When the disciples took of the bread and the wine it was only a symbol, but a symbol of a reality to come: true communion with the Father. What could be better than that? What can be better than to know there is no place you need to go to get to God and no place you can go to escape Him? He resides within us, around us, before us, and after us. He is. 

Although it often doesn’t take much, I tear up each time I take communion. It is a reminder that we are not alone. It reminds me that I have hope. It reminds me of the promises that I have seen fulfilled and that God is faithful to continue to fulfill His promises in the coming days. I encourage you not to limit your time of communion to Sundays. Take communion daily. Weather with bread or crackers or wine or juice. It is just a symbol, but the symbol is a reminder of our reality: God dwells within us. He does so because He loves us. He does so because He wants us to be more like Him. 



God is more concerned with your willingness to glorify Him than what you have to offer Him. Will you honor Him, now, with what you have? Take a moment and give Him your best praise in prayer.


God is ready to meet you in your time of need. Where do you need God’s grace?



Lord, thank you that we have the Holy Spirit residing within us. Thank you that Christ came to cleanse us so that even when we make a wrong turn, we are forgiven and redeemed. Father, help us to listen intently to the convictions and guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we stay on track with what you have planned for us. We love you and trust you. In Jesus Name, Amen