

In Matthew chapter 11 John the Baptist is in prison, so he sent some of his followers to ask Jesus if He was really the Christ. John told everyone about Jesus. He baptized Jesus, but now he is in prison for his preaching against Herod. John seems to be having a moment of doubt. Did he wonder why he sat in prison when he was out doing what was right? Jesus told us that following Him wouldn’t be easy. If they treated Him badly, what can we expect? Still, don’t I believe that things will work out if I am following Jesus? He had doubts for whatever reason. I believe that we can all be challenged by doubts. Maybe John wondered if he had done things the right way. Did John wonder if Jesus forgot about him? It was Jesus’ reply that mattered. Jesus sent them back to tell John that the blind see, the lame walk, the sick were cured and that the good news is preached to the poor…those were things that mattered. It wasn’t that John didn’t matter. John mattered to Jesus but when we focus on our circumstances, we can lose sight of what Jesus is doing. For the record, I can be one of the worst when it comes to this. I can cruise along and suddenly a bad thing happens, like the car breaking down (nothing compared to those who suffer for Jesus) and I wonder what I did wrong. Maybe I even try to obey the Lord and instead receive ridicule. Does that seem right?  Shouldn’t the Lord be rewarding me or at least protecting those who obey? He does but maybe not in the moment or in the way I think. Jesus even said that John was greater than anyone born of a woman. Jesus didn’t forget him. But it was the kingdom of Heaven that mattered the most. The things that Jesus was doing were designed to lead people to the kingdom. I think HE wanted to remind John that it was the kingdom that mattered most. Sometimes obedience leads to challenging circumstances. Jesus wanted to remind John that it was the kingdom that was being focused upon. We can focus on us—what we do or don’t do. But God’s purpose was His kingdom not just to see what we might do. That is the challenge—keeping eyes on Jesus.



Aren’t you thankful that God can do whatever He pleases? Nothing limits Him. Honor Him for how big He is!


God’s grace saves us, and God’s grace changes us. Where do you need His grace today?


Finish your prayer time today with praise like David, giving your whole heart to the Lord!