

I was 13, in eighth grade, when the principal came on the intercom after lunch and delivered a thrilling announcement: Hurricane Betsy was coming, so school was dismissed early!  When the bell sounded, I clambered with my buddies down the stairs, laughing and joking, “Betsy is our girl friend. She got us out of school.”

At home, Mama and Daddy were prepping the household.  This was my first hurricane, and I was excited!  After supper, the sky was turning to sickening yellowish-green shades, so we gathered around the TV inside to watch the coverage.  The weather began  deteriorating right after dark, though the initial rain bands weren’t scary.  This hurricane was fun!  A little later, the TV station lost part of its roof, but the crew continued broadcasting, even as raindrops splashed around them in the studio.  That was so cool!

But an hour later, the storm’s seriousness began arriving.  Within moments, lights flickered and died; Mama and Daddy lit candles and hurried us to bed.  I slept on the living room sofa, but it wasn’t fun any more in the dark.

Within an hour, the storm worsened as I lay on the sofa wide-eyed awake.  The hissing wind grew shrill.  Angry gusts battered the house that at times shuddered on its foundation. Excitement was gone: the darkness filled with terror as I lay alone, sleepless, wondering how Mama and Daddy could sleep through such a fearful storm!  

Thankfully, the night passed and the sun rose the next day to dying winds.  We were safe.  Today that episode prompts recall of Jesus calming the sea for his terrified disciples.  His command to the storm-tossed wind that night is one of my favorite quotations from scripture: “Peace! Be still.”  

We should cherish those words because they relate not just to episodes of meteorology, but so often to life’s episodes when all manners of crisis, trial, and chaos come against us, presenting stressful situations beyond our control.  We remember in those hours the master of the sea who calmed the disciples’ storm.  He rules life’s angry seas, too, and stands ready at moments of need to ease all fears.  He is able and faithful to command our personal tempests: “Peace! Be still.”

So then, may that “peace that surpasses all understanding” rule all fear!



Our Maker is intently listening to us, right now. Take a moment and share with Him how thankful you are that He’s with us!


The Lord renews our mind and purifies our thoughts. What are some thoughts you need to give to the Lord? Share those with Him now.


The Lord deserves eternal praise. Finish your prayer time giving praise for eternal things. Go beyond the earthly to what lasts forever!
Father, thank you for the sacrifice You made through Christ. Thank you for all of the provision You have shown throughout my life, and that You for the provision I know you will continue to show me. Father, thank you for your Spirit that resides within me and the conviction He brings. Father, search me and identify what things I am holding onto that You want laid on the altar. Help me to let go of these things so that I may be closer to You, so that I may know you better, and display my faithfulness. Nothing I possess is more precious that you, Lord. In Jesus name,  Amen.