

Mark 12: 41-43 is a passage that focused on a widow giving everything she had to the Lord. This widow gave all she had and that’s what the Lord noted. In those days she likely was fighting a lot of uphill battles. As a widow and seemingly alone, it’s probable she was caring for herself. Jesus acknowledged she was poor and apparently had given everything she had left. It’s her sacrifice Jesus acknowledged because it was everything. He counted her giving as more impactful than others who gave more even if it was their tithe—in other words they might have done exactly what was asked. As with all things in our walk with the Lord, where we are with our heart is as important as what we do. One believer gives the tithe and does so cheerfully. Another believer does so while grumbling. Still a third gives more than a tithe with the expectation that if he gives more than others there will be more slack given to him. Who is right before the Lord? We can easily reduce everything we do for the Lord as an equation to be solved. “I have to give this much in order to be saved or blessed. I should give a tithe off my gross pay…. No wait I should give a tithe over my net pay. Hey, I should just give whatever feels right.” None of these types of questions seem to fit what the widow was doing. I don’t think she threw her last coins in hoping it would provide a lottery shot. Jesus had continually known people’s hearts whenever he looked at their actions. She was commended by Jesus as giving more than anyone else. I think He knew her heart. God knows our hearts, too. He knows our struggles. He has not forgotten us. The question of what we give and how we give isn’t to be answered through a formula. It always comes to matters of the heart. She was poor and in a tough place but able to give everything despite what was happening. I can give far more money but not have the heart I should. The actions and heart must both be engaged when we are in relationship with the Lord. More importantly, the Lord knew her actions and her heart and He knows ours as well!




Oh, the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!

 In every instance that I do not have an answer, God does. 


Romans 8:32 NASB

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? 

 Surely the Lord is willing to grant us our very minor requests in comparison to the absolute best that Heaven has to offer; which He has already given us in His son Jesus!


Lamentations 3:24-25

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I wait for Him.” The Lord is good to those who await Him, To the person who seeks Him. 

 I chose to wait until God’s answer is clear, until His hand is present, until His peace is my guiding force. I trust in His goodness.


Father, we know you are in control. Thank you that we can trust in your power and your word. Help us to recognize the magicians and illusions of this world that will attempt to distract us from your power. May your Holy Spirit lead us through conviction and encouragement to trust in your holy word.  In Jesus Name, Amen.