

I believe I could’ve been a pro soccer player. When I was a kid my dad would take me three times a week to train. I remember being one of the most skilled in my age group and I loved it. I was 7 years old and my coach wanted me to move to a higher age group to play with the 12 and 13-year-olds. That was scary! I remember looking to the other side of the field and looking at those giants. I was no longer going to be the most skilled, I was now going to be the smallest one. I got so scared that I begged my parents to take me out of soccer training. Sadly, they respected my wishes and today I am not a pro soccer player. If anything, I am below average in Costa Rica. If only I hadn’t given up so quickly but given the higher division a chance.

I find it amazing how quick we are to give up on something simply because we don’t have the patience to see it through another year and give it the care it deserves. Jesus is talking to his followers about their beliefs that the Galileans were worse sinners because of their unrepentance. Jesus is trying to tell them that they are not. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. He gives an illustration of a fig tree not giving fruit for three straight years, but instead of being cut down, the man who took care of the vineyard was going to give it more care, attention, and fertilizer. They didn’t give up on the tree just yet. 

Many times, we are quick to give up on someone because of their mistakes. Maybe it’s a family member that has been battling with addition for years and years and it seems like it is going nowhere. Or maybe it’s a relationship that seems to have been in turmoil and decadence for years. Regardless of the area of your life in which you are not seeing fruit, it is always too soon to quit. Maybe you need to dig around it and fertilize it for repentance to come to the Galileans, or for you to see fruit in that valley.



There is nothing too big for our God. Honor His greatness!



Submit to the Lord and do what He desires of you today!
Lord, you are gracious. You’ve given me life. You’ve redeemed my soul, and given me power through the Holy Spirit. Help me to live like you today. In Jesus Name, Amen.