

Taylor Swift has become notoriously known for her breakup songs. From Harry Styles to Taylor Lautner, and the “anonymous” song about Jake Gyllenhal, some of her greatest hits have come at the expense of her deepest hurts. Nonetheless, her success is undeniable having sold over 200 million records globally with 11 Grammy Awards, three Albums Of The Year, 34 American Music Awards, 29 Billboard Music Awards, and an Emmy, making her the most accomplished female musician of all time. 

I’d say there is something people resonate with in a song during a hard time. Mary gives us the same “gift” as Taylor’s rifts in her Lukan song most notedly referred to as The Magnificat. 

Fresh off becoming pregnant by way of the Holy Spirit with trouble in her home and accusations swirling, Mary shares a deep, heartfelt song about how God has been merciful, done great things, blessed her, scattered the proud, filled the hungry, and helped His servant girl (Luke 1:46-55).

I love Mary’s song, and I might be a closet Taylor Swift fan, but the real application of Mary’s example is this: What you cling to in times of hurting will be what you become after a time of healing. When Mary was facing tension, stress, and opposition, her soul rose up in a song about God’s faithfulness. She championed lyrics that didn’t match her situation, still testifying of God’s goodness and grace in her life. 

It’s a guarantee this life is going to have struggles (John 16:33), but we have the ability to decide who we become when we heal from them. The next time you find yourself in an impossible situation, turn to Luke 1 and declare out loud the words of Mary, “Oh how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. For He took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed.”



At the end of the day, our most satisfying life is when God is most glorified. How can you glorify Him today?


Healing comes by confession. Ask God to meet you through the confessions of your heart and heal you. What do you need to confess to Him?


Our God is unshakable! Commit your day to Him in reverence and awe!
God, thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for Your blood that has paid my ransom. Help me to see sin for what it is and where it leads. I commit myself to Your righteousness even in the places I feel hesitant to lay at Your feet. Your ways are higher, and I trust what You say.  In Jesus Name, Amen.