

When I was younger, all I wanted to do was hear God’s voice. I wanted to understand what people had inside of their ears that I didn’t have in mine. I grew up in church so people constantly told me about how God told them this, or God told them the other. This just baffled me to the core. I remember wondering what was wrong with me that God did not want to speak audibly to me. Was I not in sync? Were my ears incapable of tuning in to the right frequency of sound waves? As I learned more about God, I realized that God communicates way more than what he audibly speaks. With time, I learned to discern His voice in comparison to my voice, people’s voices, and culture’s voice. 

In the stories we read in 2 Chronicles 17-20, God’s voice is evident and contrary to popular opinion. Jehoshaphat, while aligning with the king of Israel and going to war,  seeks God’s voice (2 Chronicles 18:7). There are thousands of voices proclaiming victory. It would’ve been easier to listen to the multitude and get trapped in the momentum. Similarly, when Judah is outnumbered and attacked by an army from Edom, Jehoshaphat chooses to not let the voice of fear be the guiding voice but to go into the assembly and seek God (2 Chronicles 20:4). Jehoshaphat listened and was safe and blessed in both situations. 

I wonder what voice is helping you make decisions today. Is it the voice of fear? Is it the voice of the multitude? Or is it the voice of God? It’s easy to go throughout life in automatic mode and make the decisions we think are best without seeking God’s guidance. I believe God’s voice needs to be sought. God’s voice is sought and discerned as God’s prophet says in 2 Chronicles 18:24, in the inner room. The inner room is God’s presence. It is the place or moment when you shut your door and surrender. Learning to hear God’s voice and discerning it, happens only in His presence.

Matthew 6:6 “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret.”



Exodus 33:19

And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”

Thank Him for being who He is. For being a merciful and compassionate God who has shown you grace.


God is ready to give you the wisdom you need. Ask Him, specifically, for the wisdom you need right now.


John 5:39 

“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me”

God is the giver of life. Sometimes we have to submit our understanding, submit our pride, and humble ourselves to acquire a spiritual understanding


God, you have chosen me. You have given me life and life abundantly. Help me steward the blessings that you have given me for my spiritual growth and the spiritual growth of those around me. In Jesus Name, Amen.