

When I build IKEA furniture, I inevitably build it twice. The first time I pull all the pieces out of the box and start connecting things together in hopes that it will all “work out.” By the time I’m halfway through, I can tell something is wrong….. so I pull it apart again and start over. Usually while muttering some “Christian explicative” under my breath. The second time, I frustratedly open the instruction packet and give it a good read first. To my chagrin, the directions tell me exactly what to do. I know, shocker 🙂 If you actually read the directions on your first try, congratulations, your character is stronger than mine. 

Generally speaking, we all need to be humbled before we’re willing to seek wisdom, especially in our relationship with God. We think we know what’s best for our lives, we think we know what we’re doing, and even when we’re not so sure, we’re told to “listen to our heart” or “do what makes us happy.” This way of thinking just leaves us on the floor in a pile of particle board! When I build IKEA, I need directions from the people who created the furniture just like I need wisdom from the God who created me when I’m living my life! His wisdom is far beyond my own understanding, yet I forget to consult Him as I try to fit the pieces of my life together. 

Solomon had everything going for him. He could have let pride lead him astray but he knew God was still much bigger than himself. He knew the creator and chose to seek wisdom instead of trusting in his own strength. This simple choice to humble himself before the all-knowing God, led him to blessings beyond what we can fathom. When I recognize God is the creator of my life, suddenly I realize He has all the answers! In His word and in His indwelling spirit in me, I hold the instruction manual in my hands. Now it’s just up to me to use it.



Exodus 33:19

And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”

Thank Him for being who He is. For being a merciful and compassionate God who has shown you grace.


God is ready to give you the wisdom you need. Ask Him, specifically, for the wisdom you need right now.


John 5:39 

“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me”

God is the giver of life. Sometimes we have to submit our understanding, submit our pride, and humble ourselves to acquire a spiritual understanding


God, you have chosen me. You have given me life and life abundantly. Help me steward the blessings that you have given me for my spiritual growth and the spiritual growth of those around me. In Jesus Name, Amen.