We’ve all heard the saying, “work smarter, not harder”. I think this is built into our human nature (sinful nature), always looking for the fastest, most efficient way to get something done. The best example of this in our society is found in the advancement of technology. Banking apps now allow us to do anything and everything from the comfort of our own homes. No longer do we need to drive to the local bank to deposit a check-do they even make paper checks anymore? Word processing applications now allow us to easily edit our word documents, even going as far as correcting misspellings and usage errors for us along the way. All of these examples fall into the work smarter, not harder category. While there is nothing wrong with these advances in technology, they have contributed to impatience and a feeling that everything in our lives should be easy. Skipping steps is now the norm.
After defeating the city of Ai in Joshua chapter 8, Joshua finishes with building an altar to the Lord just as Moses had instructed him to do. As we’ve learned in our past readings God gave specific instructions on how to build an altar and offer sacrifices. Scripture tells us in Joshua 8:35, “There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded that Joshua did not read the whole assembly of Israel, including the women and children, and the aliens who lived among them.”
We know by now that our God is concerned with details. He’s given us clear instructions on what it is we need to do to honor him. Cutting corners in our relationship with him is not one that will yield better results. Let this serve as a reminder to us all that God desires a deep connection with us and no steps are to be left out of the process. He deserves our full attention and commitment. Only then will we experience the fullness of his presence in our lives.
What do you need to ask God today? What’s on your heart?
God, lead me to a closer and more intimate relationship with you. You are my one true blessing. You have been with me through ups and downs. Don’t let me make it about something else. It’s about you, God. In Jesus Name, Amen