

As we read through Number 22-24 today, we are introduced to a pinnacle character in the Bible: Balaam. Balaam was a sorcerer and soothsayer. He was hired by the king of Moab, Balak, to curse the Jews entering the land. He already witnessed what the Israelites had done to the Amorites, and he was afraid that the same thing would happen to him. So, he called upon good ol’ Balaam to intervene. I’m getting flashbacks to Exodus with Pharaoh and the magicians…

This isn’t the first or last time magic will be called upon in an attempt to stifle the plan God has for the Jews. Even early on into Balaam’s quest, he encounters issues with his donkey trying to pass an angel with a sword. When his donkey doesn’t cooperate he beats it. When he beats it, it asks him, “Why are you doing this to me?” This should have been a clear sign that stronger powers were at work, but Balaam doesn’t take the hint. 

My nephew is six years old and 40lbs soaking weight holding a cinder block. Often at family gatherings he likes to wrestle or rough house. Spoiler alert: he always loses. I put on a good show, but when he starts the cheap shots, I have to flex my muscles. He calls uncle (figuratively) and we move on to the next game. However, every once in a while he comes back again – facing inevitable defeat. 

Throughout the early part of the Old Testament over and over again. With Pharoah, the Amoriates, the Moabites, and more to come. All challenge the will of God, and are defeated time and time again. Let us find comfort in knowing that we are  part of God’s plan and the enemies who plot against us have already failed. Take heart and move boldly – God is with us!



Our Maker is intently listening to us, right now. Take a moment and share with Him how thankful you are that He’s with us!


The Lord renews our mind and purifies our thoughts. What are some thoughts you need to give to the Lord? Share those with Him now.


The Lord deserves eternal praise. Finish your prayer time giving praise for eternal things. Go beyond the earthly to what lasts forever!


Father, we know you are in control. Thank you that we can trust in your power and your word. Help us to recognize the magicians and illusions of this world that will attempt to distract us from your power. May your Holy Spirit lead us through conviction and encouragement to trust in your holy word.  In Jesus Name, Amen