Select Your Schedule

Scheduling is done through the Planning Center Services app on android and apple.

Once you download the app and login, you’ll see the My Schedule tab. From there, select the Online Church Signup.

Select the experience times you would like to host.

*Note, you can’t be both a General Chat Host and a Prayer + Salvations Host at the same experience time.


Church Online Platform

  1. Visit the church online platform here and sign-up.
  2. Once you have, email or text us and let us know (, 936-463-0400)
  3. We’ll upgrade your permissions to chat host.
  4. View the training video below…

Types of Hosting

We have two different host options: General Chat and Prayer + Salvations.

For all chat host, three words are incredibly important:

Welcome. We’re a friendly church and online is no different. Anyone who posts a comment, make sure to thank them, welcome them, or answer them.

Engage. Engage with worship, the message, and any significant comments somebody makes. We’re listening.

Discuss. Ask good, leading questions. How are you applying this to your life? How has God brought you through a situation like this? Take time to discuss key points with people.

General Chat

You host the general chat. Key focuses: Welcoming people. Encouraging people. Responding to people.

  • Pull a quote from the message and encourage with it.
  • Compliment the worship.
  • Welcome those who introduce themselves.
  • Ask an encouraging question, “How is God working in your life this week?”

If someone is disorderly or negative in the chat, simply mute them.

Prayer + Salvations Chat

Here you’ll be able to communicate with people who: A) Request Prayer. B) Click YES to follow Jesus and request prayer.

These are separate chats and take time to manage. Please only receive as many as you can effectively communicate with. If you need help, talk with the general chat hosts about helping.

When someone requests prayer, simple engage with them and meet them where they’re at.

  • “Hi, how can I pray for you today, Name.?”
  • “I’d like prayer for my family right now.”
    • Father, I pray for NAME family. Heal them, Lord. Restore them. Encourage them. Rebuild what has been broken, renew what has gone stale. You are gracious, be gracious to them, in Jesus name, Amen!
    • We’ll continue to pray for you!

Important: Be quick and direct in your first prayer response. 2-3 sentences. If they continue to engage, walk with them. Remember, you’ll probably have multiple chats going at this point.


  • Be logged on 10 minutes before the online experience begins.
  • Pray, ask the Lord to move, and prepare to encourage and engage people.
  • Have your Bible, a snack, and a drink handy.
  • Remember: Welcome, Engage, Discuss.
  • Enjoy the experience!